No-Scalpel, No-Needle Vasectomy

Mr Papadopoulos is a Specialist Consultant Urological Surgeon who has extensive experience in all the aspects of Urological conditions 

Vasectomy is the common name for male sterilisation. It is regarded as safe and effective and offers a permanent solution to contraceptive needs.

How a vasectomy works?

A vasectomy (male sterilisation) is a surgical procedure to cut or seal the tubes that carry a man's sperm to permanently prevent pregnancy.

This means that when a man ejaculates, the semen has no sperm in it and a woman's egg can't be fertilised.

It is one of the most effective methods of contraception that exists today.

After a vasectomy the testicles will continue to produce sperm as normal, but the sperm can’t enter the tubes .Patients will still form an ejaculate after a vasectomy, but it will not contain sperm.

What is the No-Scalpel technique?

No-scalpel vasectomy at Mr Papadopoulos Vasectomy clinic provides a quick and virtually painless alternative to conventional vasectomy. 

In a No-Scalpel vasectomy the tubes located under the skin and holds them in place with a small clamp. Instead of making two incisions, the doctor makes one tiny puncture with a special instrument. The same instrument is used to gently stretch the opening so the tubes can be reached. Through this tiny opening both tubes are temporarily lifted out and then blocked using heat cauterization

There is no knife, no cutting incision, and no stitches. Men who have undergone NSV express amazement at the minimal physical discomfort they experienced both during the procedure and during recovery.

The operation is usually completed in around 30 minutes.

No scalpel vasectomy is a simple and elegant procedure that many studies show has significant advantages over conventional vasectomy and is comparatively faster, has a swifter recovery time, safer (one-eighth the rate of bleeding and infection) and can be virtually pain-free.

What is the No-Needle Anaesthesia?

Mr Papadopoulos also offers a different method of anaesthesia called “no-needle” anaesthesia, which eliminates the need for a needle entering the scrotum.

This is accomplished by using an air pressure device which is quicker, and more comfortable for patients.

Men prefer a needle-free vasectomy procedure.

Ensuring Sterilization – Fascial Interposition

Mr Papadopoulos also carries out what many studies describe as a crucial step, called fascial interposition.

This step involves tying the sheath or covering of the vas over one end of the cut tube with a dissolving thread, to create a natural barrier between the two cut ends.

Fascial interposition is accomplished by using metal clips or dissolving thread/suture. Metal clips are left permanently in the scrotum once applied. 

Mr Papadopoulos preference is to use dissolving suture, so as not to leave any foreign material in the body.

The fine tubes are then gently placed back into the scrotum and the tiny opening heals within days and soon becomes invisible. There is very little bleeding with the no-scalpel technique. No stitches are needed to close the tiny opening, which heals quickly, without a scar.

Benefits of No-Scalpel,  No-Needle Vasectomy

Studies have shown an eight times lower complication rate, quicker healing, and less intra-operative discomfort for a no-scalpel vasectomy compared to the more conventional approach. It is clearly preferable to do a vasectomy through a tiny central opening versus making larger cuts requiring sutures and a more complex recovery. The addition of fascial interposition and no stitches use for closure of the  skin are also benefits for most men undergoing vasectomy.

What is the recovery time like?

Most men will experience a bruised or achy feeling for a few days so tight underwear for 7 days and an anti-inflammatory painkiller will help. Most men take a couple of days off work to rest, or longer if their job is physical. Heavy lifting and contact sports should be avoided for a couple of weeks.

Are there any risks?

It’s a very safe procedure, and the risk of complications is very low, affecting approximately 1 percent of patients. There is a small risk of bleeding under the skin, minor infection or chronic discomfort. The discomfort generally gets better with time and conservative measures. The risk of pregnancy after vasectomy is about 1 in 2,000, as a man never stops making sperm and it’s possible for sperm to make their way across the vasectomy site. But that is the lowest risk of failure of all forms of birth control.

Is ejaculation still possible?

Yes. A vasectomy simply stops sperm entering your ejaculate and acts as a male contraceptive. A patients’ ejaculate will appear just the same as normal.

Regarding Sexual performance, vasectomy has no negative effects—erection and male hormone levels remain the same.

How can patients be sure the procedure has worked?

Patients receive a sperm test after 16 weeks and will be notified of the results. Until confirmation of a clear test result you must use effective contraception. Most men have no sperm in their semen at 16 weeks but the time taken does vary and another test will be booked if necessary.

Is reversal possible following the no-scalpel technique?

The decision to opt for a vasectomy remains a highly personal one in which the potential risks and benefits must be considered, including the possibility that you may change your mind. Vasectomy reversal is possible but success is not guaranteed and depends largely on how long ago it was done so it is much better to consider it as a permanent procedure.

Limitations of Vasectomy

  • Not 100% reversible 
  • Must use other forms of birth-control until sperm-free.
  • Does not prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI's)

Advantages of Vasectomy

  • Low one-time expense 
  • More dependable than any other form of contraception including female sterilization.
  • Eliminates risks associated with birth control pills 
  • Vasectomy reversals are less costly and more successful than tubal ligation reversals

How a vasectomy is carried out

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